How to monetize a website

23 Digital Products You Can Sell to Monetize Your Website Today

Whether your’e a blogger, business owner, or simply someone with a passion project, generating income from your website can be a game-changer. In this post, we’ll talk about one super effective strategy on how to monetize a website: creating and selling your own digital products

This approach provides you with the opportunity to share your expertise, showcase your creativity, and connect with your audience on a deeper level. 

The best part? With MemberSpace, selling your digital products on your website is a relatively simple process that will pay dividends in the coming months. Let’s get started!

Monetize your website with MemberSpace

The easiest way to accept membership payments or one-time charges for digital products like online courses, communities, content libraries, and more — all from your own website!

Get started for free! 5 minutes to set up.

Table of Contents

Check out these 23 proven approaches to monetize your website by selling your own products, as well as examples from real creators and entrepreneurs using MemberSpace to monetize their websites.

1. Sell access to a directory

Depending on your niche, a directory could be one of the most valuable resources you could provide your audience! These digital downloads provide your customers with a collection of curated information, like a list of contacts or vendors for your industry.

 One MemberSpace customer, Biz Birthday Bash, offers customers a directory of event suppliers and vendors, along with a community to ask questions about the information in the directory. 

Biz birthday bash directory

2. Launch an exclusive paid podcast

Launch the first part of your podcast episodes on popular platforms like Spotify, Apple, and Stitcher. Then, encourage listeners to head over to your website and subscribe to hear the full thing. Once a listener becomes a paid subscriber, offer them tons of valuable, exclusive content to keep them around, like bonus episodes, interviews with industry experts, or behind-the-scenes content.

3. Publish thorough how-to guides 

Selling how-to guides on your website can be another lucrative option. Think about areas where you have expertise that others may want to learn from. For example, if your website focuses on cooking, you could create a guide on mastering the art of grilling or creating healthy meal plans. If you’re knowledgeable about personal finance, you could offer a guide on budgeting or building a strong credit score. The possibilities are endless!

4. Create self-guided workbooks

If your business is built on educating your website visitors, you might consider creating workbooks for your customers to purchase. Typically in PDF format, workbooks offer a step-by-step guide to learn a new skill or reach a goal, with areas for self-reflection. 
MemberSpace customer Jillian Turecki sells a workbook on her website called Grit & Grace: 7 Steps to Survive Heartbreak. It’s dedicated to helping her audience work through the challenges that come with a breakup or divorce and is also available as a part of her membership program.

Sell workbook to monetize website

5. Create and share your best recipes

If you run a food or nutrition website or blog, recipes are the perfect digital download to sell to your readers. The options are endless, but you can offer your recipes as a PDF, in newsletters, or in a digital cookbook. As a fun bonus, you could offer a video recording of you creating the recipe, so your customers can follow along when they try it for the first time. 

6. Release a book you wrote, chapter by chapter

If you’re an author looking for ways to promote your novels, here’s a fun idea. Require your readers to sign up for a monthly subscription to receive access to your book, but drip it out chapter by chapter. Readers will love the anticipation and get excited to receive new chapters each week. To promote your serial fiction, you can also consider hosting an exclusive, paid book club to walk readers through your story. 
Take Letter Lore, for example. This MemberSpace customer and author takes their readers on a “story adventure”, releasing a new chapter of their novel to readers each week for six months. Readers have the option of paying monthly or choosing a one-time payment. 
Selling book chapters to monetize website

7. Conduct research and publish the results each month

Conducting research studies can be a great way to monetize your website. By gathering valuable data, analyzing it, and presenting it in a way that’s easy to understand, you can sell your findings to clients or readers on your website each month for a recurring fee. 

8. Publish a subscription-based newsletter

Selling a paid newsletter to your website visitors can be a very lucrative (and easy!) way to monetize your website. 
There are a couple of ways you can do this with MemberSpace. 
  1. Send your paid newsletter content via email. With the Member Messages email feature, you can send your newsletter directly from your MemberSpace dashboard. 

  2. Sell access to your newsletter via your blog. When you publish your newsletters on your blog, you can use MemberSpace to restrict access to those blog posts and require a paid subscription for website visitors to read them. 

9. Launch editable social media templates

Boost your revenue by selling pre-designed social media templates, allowing creators and entrepreneurs to easily create visually appealing content for their platforms. It’s a great idea to bundle your templates and provide different sizes for each social media platform. 
The Social Broker, a business focusing on helping real estate agents grow their presence online, provides customers with everything they need to create social media posts, from templates to captions to daily post ideas. 
Sell social media templates to monetize website

10. Turn your best content into PDF articles

Creating and selling PDF articles on your website can be a great way to monetize your content. By repurposing and expanding your blog posts or other written work into downloadable articles, you can offer readers new and exclusive information. 

11. Create and offer website templates & themes

If you’re familiar with web development, you know how much time it can take to create a website from scratch. That’s where website templates come in – pre-designed formats that your customers can customize as needed. By creating and selling your own website templates and themes for popular platforms like WordPress and Squarespace, you’ll not only save potential customers time and money, but also showcase your design skills.

12. Sell access to a fitness routine

If you have a in the health and wellness business, one of the best ways to monetize your website is to sell a fitness program. By offering things like exclusive workouts, nutrition information, and a sense of community, you can attract customers who are willing to pay for premium access. 

To simplify this process, consider using MemberSpace, an awesome tool that makes building a membership site super easy. With features like content restriction, unlimited members, and a built-in payment integration, MemberSpace takes the hassle out of monetizing your fitness business

Anne Craig Fitness is one customer using MemberSpace to sell access to her fitness program. Paying members get access her daily workouts, but she also sells individual products on her website, like digital cookbooks and 1:1 nutrition coaching. 

Anne Craig fitness monetizing website

13. Use your photography skills to take and sell stock photos

If you’re a photographer looking to profit from your photos, selling stock photography on your website could be the perfect option for you. Not only does this provide a passive income stream, but it also allows you to showcase your work to a wider audience. By offering images for purchase on your website, you have full control over pricing and licensing agreements. Plus, this is a great way to monetize your existing portfolio or capture new photos specifically for stock purposes.

14. Add a content library to your website

Compile your best content into a comprehensive library that visitors can access for a recurring monthly fee. This can include videos, articles, guides, templates, or other resources that provide valuable insights or solutions to common problems.

Take The Ladies of Real Estate, for example. This MemberSpace customer has monetized their website by offering a content library dedicated to women in real estate. They offer social media templates, online courses, guides, coaching, and more for a recurring monthly fee.

15. Sell music lessons on your website

If you have a passion for music and are a skilled musician, why not share your knowledge and expertise with others? One way to do so is by selling video music lessons on your website. Not only can this be a great way to increase your income, but it also allows you to share your love for music and inspire others to pursue their musical interests.

My Music Workshop is one brand that does this, offering piano, drums, and ukelele, lessons for kids online. The membership unlocks access to the entire platform’s library of on-demand video lessons.  

Sell music lessons on your website

16. Share your expertise in an online course

Creating an online course is an incredible way to turn your website into a money-making machine. It’s all about sharing your expertise and knowledge in a way that truly helps your audience, while breaking the course up into consumable sections to allow your customers to go at their own pace. 

MemberSpace customer, Birth-ed, is a website that sells access to online courses, a community, a podcast, and events for expecting parents looking to learn more about having a positive childbirth experience.   

Birth-ed monetizing website with online course

17. Share exclusive audio files

 Recording audio files is a straightforward process that can be done with relative ease, so it’s a great way to monetize your website. 
There are a variety of topics you could cover, from meditations and wellness practices to language lessons and guided tours. For instance, you could record guided tours of your local museums or city landmarks and sell them as a travel guide. Alternatively, you could offer language lessons in different languages to help people learn while on-the-go.

18. Design and sell a spreadsheet

Sell your meticulously designed spreadsheets as digital tools to help businesses or individuals streamline their processes. As a perk for customers, you can also consider offering video tutorials to teach them how to use your spreadsheet and all of its features. 

19. Offer a masterclass with a certification at the end

If you have an in-depth topic that deserves more attention than a single online course, consider creating and selling a masterclass with multiple modules. By offering your students a certificate at the end, they’re more likely to complete the entire course and share their accomplishment with others, AKA free promotion for you!
Kolder Creative offers a masterclass with more than 140 online courses to teach people how to “master the art of video editing.” This masterclass is packaged as an all-access pass to all their video trainings, as well as access to their online community and other digital downloads. 
Selling masterclass to monetize website

20. Charge for exclusive community access

Another way to monetize your website is by adding a place for an online community where members can connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and receive support. This might be an exclusive running club or parenting community. 

With MemberSpace you can easily monetize your community on your website, as well as integrate with community tool, Circle to provide a place for threaded community discussions (like a Facebook Group or forum) , as well as private messaging.

Caveday, for example, uses MemberSpace on their website to sell access to their online community that focuses on helping professionals focus better at work. Community members pay a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee to get access to “caves” (virtual working spaces), a forum, and exclusive events and workshops. 

Caveday monetizing website through membership

21. Sell printable art, worksheets, templates, etc. 

Maybe your digital product would be better suited as a physical printout, but you don’t want to deal with printing, shipping, etc. In this case, offer your customers the option to download a copy and print it on their own. This works well for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Wall art
  • Meal plan or grocery list templates
  • Recipe cards
  • Educational flashcards
  • Labels
  • Calendars
  • Worksheets and study guides
  • Coloring pages for kids 

22. Host paid Zoom calls for your website visitors

Monetizing your website by selling paid Zoom calls can be a lucrative way for creators to increase their income. By offering personalized consultations, workshops, or coaching sessions, you can provide valuable one-on-one or group interactions with your audience. Here are some types of Zoom calls creators can sell: 

  • Personalized consultations
  • Workshops or masterclasses
  • Group coaching sessions
  • Q&A sessions
  • Live events, like fitness classes, webinars, etc. 

23. Sell your expertise in an ebook

By packaging your knowledge and insights into an ebook format you can offer valuable content to your website visitors while earning passive income. You might also consider having free downloadable ebooks on your website to build your email list, and then use that list to promote your other digital products!

Photographer’s Trail Guides is a website that uses MemberSpace to sell their ebooks on the best places to take photos in certain areas of the world. Each guidebook includes how to get to the location, the best time of day to take photos there, what lenses to use, and other photography tips. 

Photographer's trailnotes ebooks

Step 1: Identify your website’s audience and niche

Now that you have some ideas, let’s start by getting to know your audience. Take some time to understand who your website visitors are and what they’re interested in. Dig deep into their needs, desires, and pain points. This valuable information will help you create digital products that truly resonate with your audience and provide the solutions they’re looking for.
Here are a few ways you can uncover this information: 
  • Conduct surveys on your website. Ask visitors about their preferences, the type of digital products they’d be interested in, and any specific challenges they’re facing. This feedback will give you a solid foundation for tailoring your products to meet their needs.
  • Utilize website analytics tools like Google Analytics, which provide valuable data about your visitors. Analyze metrics such as demographics and source of traffic to understand who is visiting your website. 
  • Participate in online communities and forums relevant to your niche. Engage in discussions, observe the topics people are interested in, and identify pain points. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, or industry-specific forums can be valuable sources of audience insights. 
  • If you have social media profiles linked to your website, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn Analytics can provide audience demographics, engagement metrics, and interests. This information helps you understand the characteristics of your social media followers and potential website visitors. 

Step 2: Set up a platform like MemberSpace

Now it’s time to bring your digital products to life! Consider using a platform like MemberSpace to simplify the process of selling access to your products and accepting payments. It only takes five minutes to set up and start monetizing your site.
Here’s how it works:
  1. Sign up for a free MemberSpace account.
  2. Decide how you will accept payments for your digital products, like recurring membership payments, one-time, or monthly payments. 
  3. Add your digital products to a page on your website.
  4. Restrict access to those pages, so only paying customers can access them. MemberSpace takes care of all the payments through the built-in Stripe integration.
  5. Get instant payouts as soon as you start selling your products!

Step 3: Choose the right digital products to sell on your website

Once you have a better understanding of your audience, it’s time to decide what kind of digital products you will create just for them. Explore all the options on our list above, and focus on leveraging your expertise to provide real value to your audience!

Step 4: Promote your website!

 Once you’ve started selling your products, promoting your website is going to be the key to start making sales. Here are some effective ways to increase visiblity of your products and drive more traffic to your website.
  • Share about your digital product on your social media platforms.
  • Launch a blog post on your website highlighting your new product. 
  • Send an eblast to your email list with a limited-time offer.
  • Run targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook/Instagram Ads to drive traffic to your website.
  • Run a contest or giveaway related to your digital product. Ask participants to share your content, tag friends, or subscribe to your newsletter for a chance to win a freebie. 
  • Create an affiliate program where others can earn a commission for promoting and referring customers to your digital products. 
And just remember – marketing your site is an ongoing process! For even more ideas, check out these 40 ways to promote your website

Final Thoughts

Your website is a powerful platform, and by leveraging digital products, you can create a sustainable income stream while sharing your expertise with the world! With the help of MemberSpace, selling access to your products is a straight-forward, seamless process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – creating and connecting with your audience.

To start monetizing your website, sign up for a free MemberSpace account today

For additional resources on marketing and selling digital products with MemberSpace, check out MemberSpace University, your one-stop resource hub full of step-by-step guides, educational videos, helpful tips and tricks, and more.

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